Monday, March 14, 2011


He says , you are stubber when you argue with him , 
But if You keep quiet , He says you're stupid !

He says , you try to attract Him when you dress nicely ,
But if You don't , He say You are from 'KAMPUNG' ! 

He says , You are like grandma when You advise Him , 
But if He advices you , it is because He cares of You .

He says , You are cheating when You are doing well in the exam , 
But if He does , He is wonderful ! *WHAT THE HEAVEN ?!

He says , You are a bad girl if You smoke , 
But if He smokes , He is a gentlement .

He says , it's luck when you get NO.1 in class , 
But if he is no.1 , it is brains .

He will find somebody if You don't like Him , 
But if You really like Him , He says you are cheap ! 
ACT Boys , You are all the SAME ! is it right ? -,- 
create by : myself :)

okayy , dats my own creation . copying ? middle finger special fer you dear ;) see paragraph 6 diatas , situasi tu mmg wujud dlam hidup aku . aku tujukan khas utk kau classmate that only one ! bangge tk ? bangge tk ? mmg aku saba jea weh dgan kau ! ggrrr~ ad kea ptot time result kedudukan class kelua dea ckap "bertuah jea tu" ?! hey ! hasil usaha aku okayy , kau jea tk bole trime knyataan dear :') then , kau nk judge ken result aku dgan budak² laen . tk puas hati ckap la , jgan nk confuse² kn cekgu utk tukaken kedudukan class tu okayy ? NVM , bnde da lpas ,  aku pon da puas hati ken dgan class and da bole suaikn diri :)